Toi tūmatanui i te taha moana
Nine works of art can be found in one of Auckland's most historic quarters, and complement the views along the Waitematā Harbour foreshore.
Each work represents one of the myriad forms, themes and styles of work that have characterised New Zealand's art scene over past decades.
We recommend that the sculptures are viewed in the following order:
Information about A Māori Figure in a Kaitaka Cloak by artist Molly Macalister in 1967.
Information about Fire Window, the first sculpture to be installed at the Viaduct Harbour.
Information about Long Modified Bench by artist Jeppe Hein.
Information about artist Phil Price's 2003 kinetic work, Cytoplasm.
Information about Raupō Rap, created by artist Dennis O'Connor in 2005.
Information about the Wind Tree by artist Michio Ihara.
Sounds of Sea is based on the ventilation funnels and speaking tubes used on ships.
Information about The Flooded Mirror and Silt Line artworks.
Information about Michael Parekōwhai's The Lighthouse artwork.
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