Ngā Tūwatawata o Shakespear o te Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao - Te Papa Rēhia ā-Rohe o Shakespear
Shakespear WWII defences - Shakespear Regional Park
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What you will see
Of 11 machine gun emplacements (pillboxes) built at Whangaparāoa in early 1942, there are only four remaining, and only two are easy to find.
One, codenamed Milo, is on the heritage trail, while the other, code named Podges, is beside the Army Bay boat ramp.
The anti-tank ditch is the only substantially intact example of this type of defence remaining in the region.
When built, it extended between Army and Okoromai bays, but it now looks like a large water-filled ditch that runs along the end of the wetland.
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