Candidate profile statement
My principal place of residence is in the Auckland Council area. I am also standing for the Albany Ward.
Top 5 Agenda.
Less Rates / Tax
Zero rates rise in 2023. Cancel Auckland's petrol tax. Free express bus rides to central city, Monday & Friday. Free car parking at council's centrally owned venues on Saturdays.
Less Waste
Cancel the unscientific nonsense 'climate change' Action Plan, costing ratepayers $1,000 million over the next 10 years, for a 1% reduction in vehicle emissions.
Less Debt
No, to the divisive co-governance control of NZ's water, under 'Three Waters.' Current council debt has increased by $4,000 million since 2016.
Less Homeless
Consider introducing a 1% of CV levy on empty homes, to create more rental or home ownership opportunities.
Less Secrecy
No co-governance seats on council, because they are divisive & inconsistent with the Treaty of Waitangi. Maori agreed to cede sovereignty & become one people with God, Jesus Christ: 'He iwi tahi tatou' ('We are [now] one people')…' (Page 26,35)
What I think about key issues for Auckland
Choose a campaign topic to read the candidate's views on it.
City centre and local development
Auckland & indeed NZ, according to the signatories to the Treaty of Waitangi, is a place for all legal citizens, equal before the law, all as one people. Hoani Heke declared, “This (treaty), is a good thing…it is even as the word of God (Jesus Christ)… Remain (Governor Hobson)…you with the (Christian) missionaries, all as one.” Hobson agreed, “He iwi tahi tatou” (We are [now] one people.) (Page 26,35, The Authentic and Genuine History Of the Signing Of The Treaty Of Waitangi, 1840: W.Colenso).
Economic and cultural development
For real economic development, council needs to be fiscally responsible with ratepayers money, whilst minimising its borrowing. Unfortunately, Auckland’s council debt (borrowing) to revenue (income) is almost at 300%, meaning it spends 3 times what it earns. Debt has risen by $4000 million since 2016. Nonsense projects, like the “climate change plan,” costing $ 1000 million for a 1% reduction in vehicle emissions, need to be cancelled. Cultural development is not council’s responsibility.
Environment management and regulation
As stewards of this earth, as it relates to Auckland & its environs, we need to care for the environment. However, as signatory to the Treaty of Waitangi & founding father of Auckland, Eru Patuone, stated, the "Word of God," Jesus Christ, the Creator God, must sit preeminent among us. Therefore, we are asked by Patuone to honour God, not the creation & should make regulations that reflect that request. He was a warm friend of Europeans, supporter of the Queen's laws & Maori peacemaker.
Funding and financing
At a time of record inflation & cost of living, Council needs to be fiscally responsible with ratepayers money, whilst minimising its borrowing. It has to learn to live within budget constrains. Unfortunately, Auckland’s council debt (borrowing) to revenue (income) is almost at 300%, which means it spends 3 times what it earns. Debt has risen by $4000 million since 2016. Nonsense projects, like bicycle lanes, costing $2000 million, which 82% of ratepayers don’t want, need to be suspended.
Outcomes for Māori
United we stand, divided we fall. Maori & all other New Zealand citizens, are equal before the law & their Creator God, Jesus Christ, something the signatories to the Treaty of Waitangi clearly understood. The divisive idea that one group of people are “more equal than others,” is a doctrine of tohunga makutu (tribalism), that seeks to divide families & the nation. Council should be working towards uniting people as one, as specified in the Treaty.
Parks and community
If you want to see what the divisive & ungrateful nature of "co-governance" looks like, visit Cornwall Park & observe this impeccably managed & cared for haven for Aucklanders, then visit the One Tree Hill reserve, now under "co-governance control.” It's a depressive disgrace to what it once was. Aucklanders, as a community, are no longer able to access the summit road to the One Tree Hill viewing area as they were in previous years. This needs to be rectified.
Auckland Transport (AT) is a council-controlled organisation (CCO) & is responsible for Auckland's transport. I believe its mission needs to be reviewed, because of its irrational approach to cars, parking & roads. Bus services are not a one size fits all solution to Auckland's traffic congestion, especially when AT struggles to find enough drivers to service bus routes. As of 25 August, 2022, it has been reported that AT are short 500 plus drivers, resulting in multiple cancellations.
Water, wastewater and stormwater
The “Three Waters” (drinking water, storm water & waste water) "co-governance management scam", is an illegal, central government asset grab from New Zealand’s ratepayers, under the pretence of “equality,” & inconsistent with the Treaty of Waitangi. The water belongs to New Zealand ratepayers as a whole, who own the assets & infrastructure, paid for by successive generations. “Three Waters Reforms” are nothing more than asset theft.