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He tono haepapa kīrearea i te Motu o Kawau

Kawau Island pest eradication proposal

​Pest free Kawau Island

We proposed the concept of a pest free Kawau Island as part of the Regional Pest Management Plan 2020–2030 (RPMP).

When we asked Aucklanders for their thoughts on the concept in 2018, we received a lot of positive feedback. As a result, the proposal was included in the final RPMP.

What we have done so far

This is an ambitious proposal that needs robust community involvement.

We worked with Island Conservation to help assess the proposal's feasibility.

Island Conservation engaged with the community to discuss:

  • potential benefits
  • potential risks
  • views and values of the community.

Feasibility report

This report assessed the feasibility of a pest free Kawau Island.

The report was peer reviewed by:

  • Island Eradication Advisory Group
  • The Wallaby Technical Advisory Group
  • Predator Free 2050
  • Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust
  • Pohutukawa Trust.

The report is an interim step in an ongoing assessment and there will be further review points before a decision is made.

Key findings

  • The majority of landowners and residents support removal of wallabies, rats, possums and stoats.
  • Removal of invasive animal species would have a beneficial impact on Kawau Island's ecosystem and biodiversity.
  • The risk to non-target species will need mitigation.
  • Preventing reinvasion will require community support and dedicated resourcing to meet the biosecurity challenge.
  • We need to continue engaging with the local community on how they want to be represented and involved if the project proceeds.

Get a copy of the feasibility report

Pest free Kawau Island webinar

We held a webinar on the possibility of a pest free Kawau Island on 30 August 2023.

A panel of experts discussed the report and answered questions.

See Assessing the feasibility of a pest free Kawau Island to watch the full webinar.

We also created a document that answers the questions we did not have time to address during the webinar.

​Feedback summary report

We asked for your feedback on the feasibility report and received a large number of responses from the Kawau Island community.

We analysed and compiled your feedback into a comprehensive summary report.

Get a copy of the feedback report

More information

Email to find out more about the proposal for a pest free Kawau Island.

Get a copy of our information guide and brochure

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