Te Rīhi whare whakahaere kaupapa ā-hapori
Leasing buildings for community activities
We support community groups across the region through our community occupancy agreements. We provide subsidised leases and licenses of land and buildings for community activities.
Community occupancy eligibility
Although community occupancies exist throughout the region, they are not always available.
Your group must be an incorporated society or a charitable trust that requires space for the provision of community activities, projects and programmes in the Auckland region.
You can then register your interest to be considered for a building or space, when one becomes available.
Community occupancy guidelines
The community occupancy guidelines give an overview of:
- eligibility criteria
- the application process
- standard terms and conditions.
Email PCFLeases@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz to check the guidelines for a specific local board or contact us on
09 301 0101 to speak to one of our community lease advisors.
Register your interest in a community occupancy lease
By post
Send your completed form to:
Community leasing team
Auckland Council
Private Bag 92300
Auckland 1142
In person
Bring your completed form to one of our
libraries with council services. They will forward your registration form to the community leasing team.
For in person payment options, see
Ways to pay in person.
New Zealand PostShop cannot be used to register your application.
What happens when a community occupancy becomes available
When a building, space or land becomes available, we ask for applications through:
- public advertisement
- direct notifying groups who have registered interest and who meet our criteria.
Email us at PCFLeases@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz to discuss a public community occupancy advertisement or call us on
09 301 0101 to speak to one of our community lease advisors.
How we assess applications
We assess applications based on a number of criteria, including:
- alignment to local board plans
- suitability of the building or space for that particular community group
- the costs involved in altering the building or space to accommodate the group, or the ability of the group to resource and undertake any changes itself
- whether other groups in the community are offering similar services and/or activities
- days and times the group needs to use the space
- other options the community group may have for accommodation
- the history and sustainability of the community group within that community
- willingness of the community group to share resources and/or space with other compatible groups
- ability of the group to pay the tenant's outgoings.
Deciding on the successful applicant
We send applications and recommendations to the relevant local board for consideration.
The final decision on the successful applicant is made by the relevant local board.
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