Pēhea ai mātou e tiaki i te pae maunga o Hunua i ngā kīrearea
How we protect the Hunua Ranges from pests
Possums and rats threaten native animal and plant species in the Hunua Ranges.
Planned pest control in 2025
In winter 2025, we will use helicopters to drop 1080 bait on targeted areas in the Hunua Ranges. 1080 is a poison containing sodium fluoroacetate used to control pest species. During this time of year, visitor numbers are at their lowest and pests are hungrier.
We will target:
Pest control method
We follow strict guidelines set out by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the
Ministry of Health (MoH).
We will use a two-step process to make sure the operation is as successful as possible.
Step one: Put non-toxic cereal bait in targeted areas to encourage pest animals to feed in that area.
Step two: Drop toxic bait containing 1080 on targeted areas using a helicopter guided by a global positioning system (GPS).
We will use two kilograms of cereal pellets per hectare. To manage the large area and protect water-supply reservoirs, we will divide the operational area into two blocks:
- Cossey and Mangatangi
- Wairoa and Mangatāwhiri.
During the operation, we will:
- work on one block at a time
- turn off the reservoir for that block
- do extensive water testing for traces of 1080 before we return the reservoirs to service.
Park access
During the operation, we will:
- close access roads and tracks within the parks and reserves
- put warning signs outside affected areas.
The parks will reopen after we carry out a full track-clearance programme. We will let the public know when we reopen the park.
Get a copy of Hunua Ranges: Pest Management and use of 1080
Neighbouring properties
During February and March 2025, we will contact people who have land next to the affected area.
Property owners and tenants can email the council project team at
hunuaproject@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz to:
- tell us if your land takes water from a stream, lake or river for human consumption that is within 400 metres of the parkland
- receive regular landowner updates.
Safety tips
During the operation and six months afterward:
do not touch bait that is dyed green
watch children at all times
- do not eat animals from this area
- keep dogs away from poison baits and animal remains, as 1080 pellets are toxic to animals
- read and follow all park safety signs.
National Poisons Centre
If you think someone has been poisoned, call the
New Zealand National Poisons Centre immediately.
0800 764 766
Keeping dogs safe
Dogs are the most at-risk pets during a 1080-based pest control operation. Always supervise your dog in affected areas. Do not let them roam or eat animal remains. Consider using a muzzle.
If you suspect your dog has eaten 1080 poison, make the dog vomit immediately if possible and call your vet straight away.
For more information, check our dog protection fact sheet.
Safeguarding water supply
This operation will be in water catchment areas, which requires careful planning and working closely with Watercare.
We will put measures in place to ensure the ongoing safety of Auckland's water supply, including:
- no flying over water supply reservoirs
- exclusion zones around reservoirs where no bait is applied
- using accurate (GPS) technology to apply bait
- closing reservoirs before the operation and only reopening them after water testing confirms there is no 1080 in the water
- working with landowners to understand which streams in the operational area in use for drinking water.
Previous aerial pest control operations
We have done three aerial control operations in Hunua, in 2015, 2018 and 2022.
Get a copy of the 2022 operation area map
Results of previous aerial applications of 1080
Post-operational monitoring shows our previous operations were very successful.
The number of pest species reduced dramatically, with possum numbers at an all-time low in Hunua since 2015.
kōkako population has also reacted well to pest control operations.
Population records show an increased number of kōkako:
- In 2015, there were 50 pairs of kōkako.
- In 2022, the kōkako population reached 259 pairs, the second-largest mainland population of kōkako in New Zealand.
Important visitor information
Observe all information and warning signs. It is a criminal offence to remove signs or bait without permission.
Ground-based pest control will be in place on areas of parkland and some surrounding private land that was not treated during the aerial operation.
Always keep your dogs on a leash. This is a requirement within the park at all times.
Controlled Area Notice is in place across the native forest area of the Hunua Ranges Regional Park and adjoining DoC-administered lands. This is to protect against
kauri dieback disease.
Use hygiene stations to clean and disinfect all footwear and equipment to ensure you do not carry any visible soil into the controlled area.
More information
In 2011 the
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment released an independent report endorsing the use of 1080. Download the report from the
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment website.
DoC also looks after large areas of parkland and uses 1080 to manage animal pests.
For more information on the use of 1080, see the DoC website.
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