Further information about the decisions version of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.
Find out about the decisions report, out of scope recommendations, and information on who can appeal.
Find out about the Independent Hearings Panel reports and recommendations on the submissions on the proposed Auckland Unitary Plan, including designations.
Read about submissions on the proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.
Decisions on recommendations beyond the scope of submissions for the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.
All modifications identified since the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan was notified.
Read about the history and major milestones of the Auckland Unitary Plan.
Read about earlier versions of the Auckland Unitary Plan.
Read the Section 32 report evaluating the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.
Browse the full Summary of Decisions Requested (SDR) report.
Order the latest zoning maps and zoning-related fact sheets.
How to request material incorporated by reference, publications that help applicants comply with rules in the Auckland Unitary Plan.
View or download the Further submissions report.
All zoning maps are available for downloading and viewing in PDF format.
The Further Submissions report is available as a series of Excel documents.
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