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Pay your property rates, changes in property rates, help with paying property rates, get your property rates bill by email, apply for financial assistance to heat your home or change your address. Solicitors property rates services.
Collection dates, learn what you can put in your rubbish, recycling or food scraps bins, report a missed collection or dumped rubbish, find ways to dispose of unwanted items, or book an inorganic collection.
Resource and building consents, inspections, pools and fencing, renovation projects, and planning zones. Also, information on earthworks, stormwater systems, engineering approvals, working on trees and more.
Find out more about the repair and regeneration of Auckland after natural disasters and extreme weather events.
Licences for health and beauty, hairdressers, market, mobile trading, brothel, alcohol, food, funeral director, campground, home based, and rubbish and waste businesses.
The Auckland Plan, the Auckland Unitary Plan, 10-year budget, annual budget, bylaws, policies, projects, annual reports, strategies.
Air and water quality, stormwater, biosecurity, coastal hazards, geological hazards, sustainability and State of Auckland reports.
How Auckland Council works, local elections, finances, procurement, official information and privacy, council-controlled organisations, executive lead team and elected representatives.
Public art, galleries and theatres, artists in residence, heritage preservation and trails, archives.
Find the CV or planning zone, order a LIM, property file or other property information.
Cemetery records, locations, plot booking and venue hire.
Pay dog registration, adopt a dog, report a dog problem, dog walking areas, or get a licence for stock, poultry or bees.
Have your say on a proposal or at a meeting and help us to shape Auckland. Public notices, hearings, plan changes, notified resource consents and the People's Panel.
Find parks, pools, leisure centres, libraries, walking or cycling tracks, wharves or boat ramps. Book venues, sports fields, campsites or swimming lessons.
Find out about the different ways to contact us to report a problem or ask us a question. Learn about our proactive approach to community safety and support.
Apply for funding or view information about housing and other community support.
Wayne Brown was elected Mayor of Auckland in the 2022 local elections. In this section you can find out how to contact the mayor, invite him to an event, follow him on social media and read relevant news updates.
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