Walking time 10 mins
Walking steps 975 steps
Distance 750 m
Sanders Dog Lover's Path - Access at the end of Sanders Road.
Sanders Dog Lover's Path – You can also start from Sanders Reserve – dogs on leash to the path entry gate.
Sanders Dog Lover's Path - Access from Sanders Reserve.
Sanders Dog Lover's Path - Great views over the upper Waitematā Harbour.
Sanders Dog Lover's Path - Plenty of space for off-leash dog exercise.
Sanders Dog Lover's Path - Path walks along the fringe of mānuka and bush.
Sanders Dog Lover's Path - Catch a glimpse of boats moored in the upper harbour.
Sanders Dog Lover's Path - Access to other paths in Sanders Reserve – dogs on leash from this point.
Sanders Dog Lover's Path - Typical section of the loop path.
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Starts at 153 Sanders Road, Paremoremo
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Spanning 16.5ha, Sanders Reserve is a great place to roam outdoors with your dog.
Most dog walkers start this walk at the bottom of Sanders Road for easy access.
You can also start at the main car park by the pavilion and playground and follow the signs towards the dog zone in the south-eastern part of the reserve.
The gravel loop path circles around the fenced off-leash dog exercise area, and along the fringe of mānuka trees and native bush. After, your dog can enjoy a run around in the open green spaces.
Enjoy the stunning views of the Waitematā Harbour. There are plenty of park benches and a picnic area close to the main car park.
Keep your dogs on-leash when walking to the path entry point from the car park, and in areas outside the dedicated dog zone. Note: Sanders Reserve is not fully fenced - you need to keep your dog in sight and under control at all times.
Walking 40 mins
Distance 3.5 km
Walking 30 mins
Distance 2.5 km
Cycling 5 mins
Distance 500 m
Connect with nature and enjoy open space in one of over 4000 parks in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland.
Large multi-use park with a playground, toilets and changing rooms, car park, bmx and walking tracks, horse-riding areas, picnic tables and seating, drinking fountains and barbecues.
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