Cycling time 60 mins
Distance 9.2 km
Newmarket to Ferry Terminal Path - Start on the cycle way at Newmarket end of Carlton Gore Road.
Newmarket to Ferry Terminal Path - Turn off Carlton Gore Road into the Auckland Domain.
Newmarket to Ferry Terminal Path - Continue towards the Auckland Hospital.
Newmarket to Ferry Terminal Path - Stay on the cycleway down Domain Drive past the duck ponds.
Newmarket to Ferry Terminal Path - Stay on the road and turn down Lower Domain Drive.
Newmarket to Ferry Terminal Path - Lower Domain Drive Bridge.
Newmarket to Ferry Terminal Path - Cross the Grafton Road bridge.
Newmarket to Ferry Terminal Path - Section of Grafton Gully Cycleway heading down towards Churchill Street.
Newmarket to Ferry Terminal Path - Churchill Street section connecting to Beach Road.
Newmarket to Ferry Terminal Path - From the Beach Road cycle path head through to Quay Street and the Ferry Terminal.
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Starts at 145 Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket
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A path you can cycle from either direction starting at either the city or Newmarket end.
If you are an experienced rider this could be a good challenge for you. It has a mix of on road cycle lanes, park paths and cycleways, and some short sections on the road.
The route is mostly flat but the hill up to Pukekawa / Auckland Domain is quite a challenge.
If you think this is going to be tough to start with, start from the Newmarket end and catch the train back to Newmarket.
Along the way stop at in the open spaces of the domain, climb a tree, visit the Auckland War Memorial Museum or kick a ball around.
Finish with swim at the Newmarket pool, or catch a ferry to Devonport depending on which end you start.
Fill your drink bottles at the water station on Carlton Gore Road or outside the ferry terminal.
Walking 35 mins
Distance 2.5 km
Cycling 60 mins
Distance 8 km
Cycling 90 mins
Distance 25 km
Pukekawa / Auckland Domain is Auckland's oldest park. It has sports fields, toilets and changing rooms, accessible car parks, duck ponds, drinking fountains, and much more.
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