Walking time 20 mins
Walking steps 1950 steps
Cycling time 10 mins
Distance 1.5 km
Archibald Park Path - Picnic table facing the Whau River.
Archibald Park Path - A typical section of path.
Archibald Park Path - A section of boardwalk.
Archibald Park Path - An aerial view of the path alongside the Whau River.
Archibald Park Path - A sealed section of the shared path.
Archibald Park Path - Path section alongside the sports fields.
Archibald Park Path - Start the path from the car park.
Archibald Park Path - Picnic table with view over the Whau River.
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Starts at 49 Beaubank Road, Kelston
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Archibald Park path is part of the Te Whau Pathway and offers a safe off-road shared path. This is great if you or your kids are learning to ride a bike, and want to combine a bike ride with a kick around at the sports fields or picnic.
There are some well-positioned picnic tables with views over the Whau River.
Easy parking and public toilets also are available off Beaubank Road.
Walking 20 mins
Distance 1.3 km
Cycling 10 mins
Distance 1.4 km
Cycling 30 mins
Distance 4 km
Large park with a playground, basketball courts, car park, accessible toilets and changing rooms, sports fields, flying fox, picnic tables and seating, boatramp and jetty.
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