Walking time 40 mins
Walking steps 1950 steps
Distance 1.5 km
Onehunga Bay to Waikowhai Path - The path starts alongside Onehunga Bay Reserve.
Onehunga Bay to Waikowhai Path - The playground at Onehunga Bay Reserve.
Onehunga Bay to Waikowhai Path - Picnic table with a view of the Onehunga Bay Lagoon.
Onehunga Bay to Waikowhai Path - Taumanu Bridge, connecting Onehunga Bay Lagoon with the Taumanu Reserve.
Onehunga Bay to Waikowhai Path - Section of path with steps down from Taumanu Bridge.
Onehunga Bay to Waikowhai Path - Picnic table and bench in Taumanu Reserve.
Onehunga Bay to Waikowhai Path - Beach area of Taumanu Reserve.
Onehunga Bay to Waikowhai Path - A typical section of gravel path on Taumanu Reserve.
Onehunga Bay to Waikowhai Path - A section of the boardwalk to Waikowhai.
Onehunga Bay to Waikowhai Path - View back towards Onehunga on the Waikowhai boardwalk.
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Starts at 106 Beachcroft Avenue, Onehunga
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Start this path at Onehunga Bay Reserve, where you can go for a walk and enjoy many points of interest. There's also a kid's playground and exercise equipment.
This area is a dog off leash area alongside the lagoon. Dogs are not allowed beyond the Taumanu Reserve car park.
Take a walk across the Taumanu bridge with amazing views to Mangere Mountain. Weave around the reserve paths, beaches, picnic areas. Follow the Waikowhai Boardwalk under the Hillsborough cliffs.
You can walk back finishing at the Onehunga Library.
Cycling 60 mins
Distance 15 km
Walking 45 mins
Distance 2 km
Distance 3.2 km
Large open space with a playground, fitness equipment, skateboard ramp, toilets and changing rooms (including accessible), car park (including mobility), picnic tables and seating, and drinking fountains.
Beachfront reserve with toilets and changing rooms (including accessible), car park (including mobility parking), seating and picnic tables, and drinking fountains.
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