Walking time 40 mins
Walking steps 3900 steps
Cycling time 20 mins
Distance 3 km
Onetangi Beach Path - The path starts at the middle of the beach. Take the ramp down to the beach or walk along the road.
Onetangi Beach Path - Onetangi Beach is Waiheke’s largest public beach.
Onetangi Beach Path - On a windy day you may see kite surfers in action. If the surf is up, the eastern end of the beach is popular with surfers.
Onetangi Beach Path - Just stroll along the beach and take it all in.
Onetangi Beach Path - The beach is always different, whatever the season.
Onetangi Beach Path - Beach houses old and new line the waterfront.
Onetangi Beach Path - Palm trees mark the site of the original Onetangi Hotel.
Onetangi Beach Path - Norm's seat at the western end of the beach. With a view out towards Thompson’s Point.
Onetangi Beach Path - The beach is a great place to exercise the ‘slow down, you’re here’ mantra.
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Starts at 17 The Strand, Onetangi
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Very easy promenade along the Onetangi beachfront. Nice on a bike as well, as it is flat and quiet. Enjoy the largest accessible beach on the island and its beachside cafes.
Onetangi has a collection of architectural highlights from classic baches to stunning modern masterpieces. You can amble along the road or dip down at one of the easy ramps or steps to the beach and try the water. Easy, roadside walking on footpath, roadside or grass. At low tide the beach is huge and easy walking. One of Waiheke’s easiest and most rewarding walks. Good for buggies and bikes. Check the signs for dog off-leash times.
Parking available at most beach access points, with overflow parking along Third and Fourth Avenues.
Start your or ride at any point along the beachfront and make sure you take in the entire beach. The far ends are the best bits with interesting streams and rock formations. There is a neat little detour at the eastern end that takes you around Le Roy Road, a desirable quiet pocket just set back from the beach.
Easy walking on the beach or the Onetangi Strand.
Walking 60 mins
Cycling 30 mins
Distance 2.8 km
Walking 50 mins
Walking 40 mins
Distance 2 km
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