Walking time 40 mins
Walking steps 2340 steps
Distance 1.8 km
Churchill Park Path - Entrance to path from Riddell Road car park.
Churchill Park Path - Farm gate entry from Riddell Road.
Churchill Park Path - Typical gravel path section through pasture.
Churchill Park Path - Forfar Road entry.
Churchill Park Path - Start of regenerating bush area.
Churchill Park Path - Tranquil seating in the bush area.
Churchill Park Path - Athlone Road entrance.
Churchill Park Path - Kinsale Avenue car park.
Churchill Park Path - Path section from Kinsale Avenue.
Churchill Park Path - Path winding through pine trees.
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Starts at 332 Riddell Road, Glendowie
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Churchill Park gives a farm like experience in the heart of a suburban area. It is a working farm that offers a great experience for kids.
At the lower points alongside the path is a stream that is home to long finned eels or "Tuna kuwharuwharu". These can grow up to 2m long. The eel is native to New Zealand and can't be fished!
The path offers pockets of establishing areas of bush, which you walk through.
There are many access points from surrounding streets and car parking opportunities.
The path is gravel in sections and requires some decent shoes.
This is not the path to start with if you haven't walked for a while.
Walking 20 mins
Distance 700 m
Walking 40 mins
Distance 2.6 km
Walking 45 mins
Distance 4 km
Very large countryside park with walkways from St Heliers.
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