Walking time 20 mins
Walking steps 1950 steps
Distance 1.5 km
Pakuranga Creek Path - The start of the path from West Fairway.
Pakuranga Creek Path - The beginning of the path runs through pockets of native bush.
Pakuranga Creek Path - The path will take you behind neighbouring properties and the Pakuranga Golf Course.
Pakuranga Creek Path - A typical section of the concrete path.
Pakuranga Creek Path - The path follows Pakuranga Creek.
Pakuranga Creek Path - Path takes you under Cascades Road bridge.
Pakuranga Creek Path - Path connecting to Aviemore Drive entry.
Pakuranga Creek Path - A short boardwalk section of the path.
Pakuranga Creek Path - The path captures the sun during the early morning.
Pakuranga Creek Path - The path access point at Aviemore Drive.
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Starts at 43 West Fairway, Golflands
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A secluded, scenic path running along Pakuranga Creek from West Fairway to Aviemore Drive.
The path sneaks its way alongside the creek behind neighbouring houses and the Pakuranga golf course, running through areas of native bush and crossing under the bridge at Cascades Road. You almost wouldn't know it was there!
The undulating path is fully paved and all off-road. It's a great option for prams and kids wanting to ride their bike or scooter.
You can access the path at either West Fairway or Aviemore Drive. Both starting points have on-street parking.
At West Fairway this path joins up with the Burswood Loop path - a flat, scenic walk with a great playground for younger kids at Burswood Park.
Cycling 60 mins
Distance 8 km
Walking 30 mins
Distance 1000 m
Walking 25 mins
Distance 1.9 km
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