Walking time 25 mins
Walking steps 2470 steps
Distance 1.9 km
Golflands Loop Path - Start of the path.
Golflands Loop Path - Playground at Frank Nobilo Reserve.
Golflands Loop Path - Playground swings at Frank Nobilo Reserve.
Golflands Loop Path - On-street parking on West Fairway.
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Starts at 18 West Fairway, Golflands, Auckland
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A scenic, relatively flat walking track around Golflands. The path runs through open parks and alongside a river. It includes a short stretch on West Fairway, a quiet residential road.
It's pram-friendly and a nice journey for younger children – just look out for the three quiet residential roads, which you'll need to cross on the way.
You'll pass the Frank Nobilo Reserve playground, which is ideal for younger children to play and take a break from walking.
The suggested starting point is at West Fairway, but you can start at any of the residential streets along the walkway.
If you'd like to take a longer stroll, join onto the Pakuranga Creek Path at West Fairway.
Walking 20 mins
Distance 1.5 km
Walking 60 mins
Distance 3.3 km
Walking 25 mins
Cycling 10 mins
Large open space with a playground, fitness equipment, picnic table and seating.
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