Walking time 40 mins
Walking steps 3250 steps
Cycling time 20 mins
Distance 2.5 km
Harbourview - Orangihina Path - Start of the path at the north end of Harbourview - Orangihina Park.
Harbourview - Orangihina Path - The path is made of compacted gravel.
Harbourview - Orangihina Path - A typical section of gravel path.
Harbourview - Orangihina Path - Picnic tables on the path offer places to stop and enjoy the sun.
Harbourview - Orangihina Path - Picnic table with a view toward the Waitematā Harbour.
Harbourview - Orangihina Path - Glimpses of Rangitoto Island and the Auckland Harbour Bridge.
Harbourview - Orangihina Path - One of the short inclines on the path.
Harbourview - Orangihina Path - A narrow bridge, not suitable for a double buggy.
Harbourview - Orangihina Path - Picnic opportunities on the path.
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Starts at 465 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula
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Enjoy a scenic shared path following the eastern edge of Te Atatū Peninsula and through Harbourview-Orangihina Park.
The compacted gravel path is suitable for walking and cycling. It is pram friendly, though there are a couple of narrow bridges which won’t fit a double buggy. The shared path is mostly flat with some ups and downs.
Start at the car park entrance to Harbourview-Orangihina Park, off Te Atatū Road. The path winds along the coast, and there are plenty of places to stop and enjoy the stunning views of the Waitematā Harbour and Auckland city skyline.
The path finishes at the northern end of Harbourview-Orangihina Park, where you can enjoy more great views from the picnic area. Public toilets are located here.
If you want to keep exploring, continue walking north on the Harbourside Path. Try to spot native birds like dotterel, pūkeko and tōrea (oystercatchers).
Walking 40 mins
Distance 3 km
Walking 30 mins
Distance 2.3 km
Walking 35 mins
Distance 2.6 km
Te Atatu Peninsula
This 85 hectare coastal park has accessible toilets, car parks, picnic tables and seating.
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