Walking time 40 mins
Walking steps 1950 steps
Distance 1.5 km
Kepa Bush Path - Thatcher Street entry.
Kepa Bush Path - Start of the path from Thatcher Street.
Kepa Bush Path - Initial flight of stairs.
Kepa Bush Path - At the first signpost head towards Colenso Place.
Kepa Bush Path - Head up the next flight of stairs.
Kepa Bush Path - First lookout is signposted about 60m off the main loop.
Kepa Bush Path - Views over Purewa Valley.
Kepa Bush Path - Keep heading towards Colenso Place.
Kepa Bush Path - Typical gravel section of the path.
Kepa Bush Path - Second lookout – great views to the city.
Kepa Bush Path - Short flight of stairs down.
Kepa Bush Path - Short flight of stairs up.
Kepa Bush Path - Ferns alongside the track.
Kepa Bush Path - Path through mānuka and pūriri.
Kepa Bush Path - Viewing platform for large kohekohe tree.
Kepa Bush Path - Further short flight of stairs.
Kepa Bush Path - Boardwalk through bush.
Kepa Bush Path - Gravel section of the path.
Kepa Bush Path - Green space and seating.
Kepa Bush Path - Alternative access from Kepa Road.
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Starts at 35 Thatcher Street, Mission Bay
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The boardwalk and gravel path has a number of stairs to climb - great for getting the heart rate up.
Park the car on Thatcher Street (parking on Kepa Road is difficult), a stone's throw from the Eastridge Shopping Centre. Or leave your car at home and take the regular bus service along Kepa Road.
Start at the Thatcher Street entrance to Kepa Bush and head down the stairs. Follow the signs towards Colenso Place, and then back towards Kepa Place and Thatcher Street.
During the peaceful walk you'll see large mānuka, tōtara and pūriri trees. Admire the huge 300-year old kohekohe tree from the viewing platform. Kohekohe is an important source of nectar for birds in early winter - and possums also love nibbling on the leaves, flowers and fruit!
A second viewing platform has great views over Purewa Creek and towards the Auckland city skyline.
Walking 35 mins
Walking 40 mins
Distance 1.6 km
Walking 20 mins
Distance 1.2 km
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