Walking time 25 mins
Walking steps 1560 steps
Cycling time 5 mins
Distance 1.2 km
Huapai Reserve Path - Path start from Tapu Road car park
Huapai Reserve Path - Toddler’s playground adjacent to Tapu Road car park
Huapai Reserve Path - Path is flat and sealed
Huapai Reserve Path - Path running around the perimeter of sports fields
Huapai Reserve Path - Exercise equipment adjacent to the path
Huapai Reserve Path - Car parking off Van Rixel Drive
Huapai Reserve Path - Central path connecting to public toilet and second playground
Huapai Reserve Path - Second children’s playground suitable for older children
Huapai Reserve Path - As an alternative you can continue back through the car parks to the path start.
Huapai Reserve Path - Skate ramp for skate boards and BMX bikes
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Starts at 4 Tapu Road, Huapai, Kumeu
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A flat, shared path through Huapai Recreation Reserve, ideal for year-round walks and runs, scooter adventures and learning to ride a bike.
Start from the Tapu Road car park, or from the residential area to the north. Follow the path around the edge of the sports fields, and then back. The accessible path is suitable for pram and wheelchair users.
Both ends of the path have a children's playground, with a skate ramp for teenagers to develop their skills and confidence.
Dogs can exercise in the off-leash area but please keep them away from the playground and sports fields. Public toilets are available at the second car park.
Walking 25 mins
Cycling 10 mins
Distance 1.6 km
Walking 15 mins
Cycling 5 mins
Distance 1000 m
Distance 1.3 km
Large sports park with two playgrounds, toilets and changing rooms, car park, skate ramp, fitness equipment, cricket pitches and nets, tennis and netball courts, and picnic tables and seating.
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