We’re improving the stormwater system at Paremuka Dam from February to April 2025. We don’t expect this to impact access to the path, but keep an eye open for extra vehicles during this time.
Walking time 30 mins
Walking steps 2210 steps
Distance 1.7 km
Paremuka Lakeside Path - Hillwell Drive start point.
Paremuka Lakeside Path - Picnic spots next to the stormwater lake.
Paremuka Lakeside Path - Large open area suitable for off-leash dog exercise.
Paremuka Lakeside Path - Views of the stormwater lakes.
Paremuka Lakeside Path - Typical gravel section of the path.
Paremuka Lakeside Path - Views over the stormwater lake.
Paremuka Lakeside Path - Art feature “Eelman” in the lower lake.
Paremuka Lakeside Path - Boardwalk access to Charlenne Close.
Paremuka Lakeside Path - Access from Charlenne Close.
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Starts at 48-62 Hillwell Drive, Henderson
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Take a quiet stroll around Paremuka Lakeside in Henderson.
This path goes around the edge of two scenic stormwater ponds. The flat gravel and boardwalk path is suitable for prams and wheelchair users.
Start at Hillwell Drive or from Charlenne Close. There are picnic spots near the lake, and check out the Eelman art feature in the lower lake.
Paremuka Lakeside also has a large off-leash dog exercise area.
Walking 15 mins
Distance 900 m
Walking 50 mins
Cycling 30 mins
Distance 4 km
Walking 25 mins
Distance 1.75 km
Enjoy a walk around this restored lake and make use of the playground, picnic tables and seating.
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