Walking time 10 mins
Walking steps 910 steps
Cycling time 5 mins
Distance 700 m
Rewi Alley Reserve Path - Path start from corner of Tetrarch Place and Trias Road.
Rewi Alley Reserve Path - Rewi Alley monument within the park.
Rewi Alley Reserve Path - Kid’s playground accessed from Trias Road.
Rewi Alley Reserve Path - Path can be followed as a loop in either direction.
Rewi Alley Reserve Path - Path through established trees.
Rewi Alley Reserve Path - There are several exercise stations along the way.
Rewi Alley Reserve Path - Path runs alongside a large stormwater pond.
Rewi Alley Reserve Path - Bridge across stormwater pond.
Rewi Alley Reserve Path - Path access from Athena Drive.
Rewi Alley Reserve Path - Large dog exercise area.
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Starts at 52 Trias Road, Totara Vale
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A pleasant, easy stroll around Rewi Alley Reserve in Totara Vale. The flat path also offers an ideal environment for young children learning to ride bikes and scooters.
Start at the park entrance off Trias Road, next to the children's playground. Follow the paved loop path around the park.
Explore the playground and the bridge over the stormwater pond in the southern end of the reserve.
There are several outdoor exercise stations around the path, and a large central area offers off-leash exercise space for dogs.
The open grassy areas and barbecue space make a great local destination for a weekend picnic with whanau and friends.
At the main entrance you'll find the memorial to war hero Rewi Alley.
Walking 10 mins
Distance 600 m
Walking 2 mins
Cycling 2 mins
Distance 500 m
Cycling 5 mins
Totara Vale
Open reserve with a pond, playground, toilets, fitness equipment, basketball half-court, picnic table, seating, and a drinking fountain.
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