Walking time 10 mins
Walking steps 1040 steps
Cycling time 5 mins
Distance 800 m
Shepherds Park Path - Path start adjacent to the playground.
Shepherds Park Path - Children’s playground.
Shepherds Park Path - Short bike track around playground.
Shepherds Park Path - Get the kids to follow these bike signs in the pavement.
Shepherds Park Path - Path running around the outside of sports fields.
Shepherds Park Path - Exercise equipment alongside the path.
Shepherds Park Path - Typical section of the path.
Shepherds Park Path - Path adjacent to sports field car park.
Shepherds Park Path - Path beneath lighting.
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Starts at 120 Beach Haven Road, Beach Haven
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A short walk, run or bike ride around Shepherds Park in coastal Beach Haven.
Start at the kids playground and follow the flat path around the sport field. The circuit is usually lit during winter months for sports training, so this would make a great after-work workout track.
There's a short 'learn to ride' path that loops around the playground. It's ideal for kids developing their confidence on bikes or scooters - they'll love testing their skills on the bumps in the path!
After your walk or ride, hang around to kick a ball, fly a kite or just enjoy some sunshine in the park. The fitness trail around the outside of the path is another fun way to keep active in the fresh air.
If you want to keep exploring, join onto the Hellyers Creek Path and discover the scenic lookout over Oruamo/Hellyers Creek.
Walking 25 mins
Distance 1.1 km
Walking 30 mins
Distance 2 km
Cycling 10 mins
Distance 1.5 km
Beach Haven
Large park with sports fields, fitness equipment, learn to ride bike trail, playground, toilets, seating and picnic tables, a barbecue, tennis club and more.
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