Walking time 20 mins
Walking steps 2210 steps
Distance 1.7 km
Meola Reef Path - Start you walk from end of the car park.
Meola Reef Path - A typical section of the gravel path.
Meola Reef Path - A view from the path over the Waitematā Harbour.
Meola Reef Path - A view of the car park area off from Meola Road.
Meola Reef Path - Secondary access entrance off from Meola Road.
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Starts at 200-208 Meola Rd, Western Springs
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This path through Meola Reef Reserve takes in great views of the upper Waitematā Harbour across to the Chelsea Sugar refinery with some areas of bush.
The path is gravel so you will need sturdy shoes. If you have a pushchair it will need to be robust.
There is an off-leash dog area at the headland.
Walking 35 mins
Distance 2.6 km
Walking 30 mins
Distance 1.8 km
Walking 20 mins
Cycling 8 mins
Distance 1000 m
Western Springs
A unique reef habitat for intertidal organisms in the Waitematā Harbour with a small off-street car park, some seating and a drinking fountain.
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