Walking time 15 mins
Walking steps 1040 steps
Distance 800 m
Longford Park Path - Path start and parking area
Longford Park Path - Coastal edge with tide in
Longford Park Path - Typical section of the path
Longford Park Path - Children’s playground
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Starts at 6 Waione Court, Takanini
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A short, flat walk in Takanini, on the fringe of the Manukau Harbour.
Start at the Longford Park Reserve entrance and car park off Waione Court. There are great coastal views of the Pāhurehure Inlet here - enjoy the view from the waterfront park bench.
Follow the concrete path loop, taking care when crossing Longford Park Drive and Moss Crescent.
Kids will love climbing and swinging at the colourful playground. There's a picnic table under a tree near the playground to relax and watch the kids play.
Walking 15 mins
Cycling 5 mins
Distance 1000 m
Distance 750 m
Walking 40 mins
Distance 2.6 km
Open grassed reserve with a small playground and picnic table.
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