Walking time 120 mins
Walking steps 11700 steps
Cycling time 60 mins
Distance 9 km
Highbrook Path - A view towards Maungarei (Mt. Wellington).
Highbrook Path - A typical section of the gravel path.
Highbrook Path - Path alongside the commercial development.
Highbrook Path - The gravel path is even and flat.
Highbrook Path - Path weaving between pōhutukawa trees.
Highbrook Path - Views of the Tāmaki River.
Highbrook Path - There are a couple of dips in the path to be aware of.
Highbrook Path - Path along Highbrook Drive.
Highbrook Path - Path section near the crossing signals on Highbrook Drive.
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Starts at 55 Business Parade North, East Tamaki
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Tucked away behind the Highbrook Business Park, you'll find a scenic gravel path that winds around the edge of the Tamaki River.
Enjoy great views across to Maungarei (Mount Wellington) and Maungakiekie (One Tree Hill). There are plenty of spots (including seating areas) along the way to catch your breath and admire the view.
The path is generally even and flat, with a couple of dips in the path where cyclists may need to dismount.
Parking is available on surrounding streets.
Walking 80 mins
Cycling 40 mins
Distance 8 km
Walking 60 mins
Cycling 25 mins
Distance 3 km
Cycling 120 mins
Distance 18 km
East Tamaki
Pretty 42 hectare green oasis with 14kms of walking and cycling tracks, and seating.
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