Cycling time 70 mins
Distance 10.6 km
Grey Lynn to Pt Erin Path - Start of the path on the top of Grosvenor Road.
Grey Lynn to Pt Erin path - The Grey Lynn Park skate ramp and half pipe.
Grey Lynn to Pt Erin Path - The playground at Grey Lynn Park.
Grey Lynn to Pt Erin Path - Entrance to Cox's Bay Reserve.
Grey Lynn to Pt Erin Path - Section of boardwalk through Cox's Bay Reserve.
Grey Lynn to Pt Erin Path - A sealed path section through Cox's Bay Reserve.
Grey Lynn to Pt Erin Path - Path through Hakanoa Reserve.
Grey Lynn to Pt Erin Path - Path into Point Erin headland.
Grey Lynn to Pt Erin Path - Playground at Point Erin headland.
Grey Lynn to Pt Erin Path - The entrance of Point Erin Pools.
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Starts at 4 Grosvenor Street, Grey Lynn
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This is a great family summer ride, which you can break up with a swim at Pt Erin Pools or a picnic at Pt Erin Park.
This ride takes you on sealed paths, through parks and along local streets. It starts on the "Grey Lynn Greenway" and it is a good option if you are with kids who are getting more confident on bikes. From the end of the Grey Lynn Greenway to Pt Erin is all on the road, without cycle lanes. The route shown avoids the busiest roads.
Enjoy playgrounds in Grey Lynn Park, exercise equipment and a skate ramp - if you are a proficient skate boarder.
Pt Erin Pools are open during the warmer summer period (end of November to end of March).
There is plenty to do on the way, with playgrounds at Grey Lynn Park, local shops and views over the upper Waitemata Harbour.
Cycling 60 mins
Distance 12 km
Walking 60 mins
Cycling 40 mins
Distance 5.5 km
Distance 9.2 km
Grey Lynn
Large park with a playground, accessible toilets and changing rooms, fitness equipment, paddling pool, courts, skate ramp, pump track, multi-use courts, picnic tables and seating, and drinking fountains.
A lovely park with open space, trees, playground, toilets, basketball half-court, picnic tables and seating, drinking fountain, and bike stands.
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