Cycling time 40 mins
Distance 6.7 km
Central City Loop Path - Quay Street cycleway.
Central City Loop Path - Tepid Baths on Customs Street West.
Central City Loop Path - Crossing Union Street at the top of Nelson Street.
Central City Loop Path - Te Ara I Whiti - The Lightpath 2015, Katz Maihi Commissioned by Auckland Transport, NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Council; Auckland Council Art Collection. Photo credit: David St George.
Central City Loop Path - A view riding Te Ara I Whiti.
Central City Loop Path - The start of Grafton Gully section.
Central City Loop Path - Path through Grafton Gully.
Central City Loop Path - View of Whitaker Place ramp.
Central City Loop Path - Path entrance alongside University of Auckland.
Central City Loop Path - Path along Churchill Street looking toward Beach Road.
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Starts at 89 Quay Street, Auckland Central
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This is a great way to see the city centre.
Start outside the Ferry Building and head into the Viaduct Harbour, where there are heaps of food and beverage choices.
Cutting through the plaza, you can connect up with the Nelson Street cycleway. Here you'll find the award winning Light Path – Te Ara I Whiti. The climb up Nelson Street will be worth it.
There is a steep section down Grafton Gully, where you travel beneath the historic Grafton Bridge.
Fill up your water bottles at the top of Nelson Street.
Public artwork is dotted on or close by the route.
Cycling 60 mins
Distance 12 km
Distance 15 km
Walking 75 mins
Distance 5 km
Auckland Central
Pretty inner city park with large old trees, seating, and paths to follow.
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