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Baileys Cottage at Scott Point, Mahurangi Regional Park (East)

COVID-19 Alert Level 2 – Accommodation information

Holiday parks and the Waiheke Backpackers Hostel are open for bookings with COVID-19 alert level measures and protocols in place.

Baches, campgrounds and lodges are open from 10am Monday 8 March 2021.

We will be reinstating our standard cancellation and amendment rules under Alert Level 2. Customers wishing to cancel or amend can do so online via their MyAuckland accounts.

Customers who have not started their planned stay over Alert Level 3 (28 Feb-6 Mar 2021 inclusive) that have not amended or cancelled these bookings will require a manual refund for the nights affected, and we will advise if details are required.

If you haven't received cancellation communications, please email

Baileys Cottage is a small, one level traditional bach with sea views.

All facilities are up to date and modern.

There is a mown grass area surrounding the bach.


Check for open and closed tracks and help protect our kauri

We have closed large sections of our parks to prevent the spread of kauri dieback.

When you visit our parks, you need to clean your footwear and equipment to avoid transferring disease from one area to another.

Find open and closed tracks and read about protecting our kauri.

2 Ridge Road, Mahurangi East

Directions and access

Main park gates are open from 6am to 9pm during daylight savings hours and 6am to 7pm during non-daylight saving hours.

The access driveway is on the left as you approach the end of Ridge Road. Go through the locked chain gate off the road on the left hand side. Baileys Cottage is 20m up the hill along the gravel road.

There is a public boat ramp in the council carpark at the end of Ridge Road. This is a good ramp with an all tide access.

See more about Scott Point, Mahurangi Regional Park (East) access information.

Availability and prices

Maximum number of people


Maximum stay

7 nights

Check-in time


Check-out time


Summer, weekend and public holidays

$234.00 (GST inclusive)

Winter weekdays

$150.00 (GST inclusive)


Enter booking details

Other ways to book your accommodation

Booking information

Bookings can only be made six months in advance for baches. Availability refreshes at midnight daily.

Find out about booking changes and cancellations, and booking if you are under 18, on How to book accommodation.


  • Bedroom one: two single beds
  • Bedroom two: two sets of single bunk beds (i.e. sleeps 4 people). Top bunks are not recommended for under 9 year olds.
You need to supply bed linen, blankets, duvets, sleeping bags, pillows, towels, tea towels, food, mosquito repellent and personal items.




Treated rain water. Conserve water as the supply is limited.


Power supply

Standard domestic power supply.


Kitchen facilities

Fridge/freezer, stove, toaster, kettle, pots and pans, cooking utensils, crockery and cutlery provided.


Toilets and bathrooms

One bathroom with shower and toilet.



Heat pump provided.




Dogs, other animals and pets are prohibited at all times.



You must keep the cottage and surrounding site clean and tidy during your stay, and when you leave.
To protect against COVID-19 please clean all utensils, crockery and surfaces on your arrival and departure.



Rubbish bin inside the cottage. Use the rubbish bags provided, and place tied bags in the wheelie bin outside the cottage.
There is no recycling bin so please take items home with you.


Overnight vehicles and tents

Combined permitted and visitor vehicles are limited to two vehicles. Keep the access road clear at all times.
You may not stay in tents or camp in vehicles around the cottage.



Fires prohibited at all times.

Information about the park

Map of Scott Point, Mahurangi Regional Park (East)

Report a problem

Report a non-urgent problem at Call our regional parks team on 09 366 2000 to report an urgent problem. Email general enquiries and feedback to