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Auckland Council The Auckland Plan

Future Development Strategy (FDS) implementation plan 

Te mahere whakatinana i Te Rautaki Whakawhanake mō Anamata

 The FDS and the FDS implementation plan are important planning tools that help:

  • guide the council’s future investment 
  • integrate land use and infrastructure planning. 

The FDS implementation plan:

  • provides a framework to prioritise actions over the short, medium and long-term 
  • outlines the timing, sequencing and ways we will implement spatial priorities in existing urban, future urban and rural areas.

This is the first implementation plan for the FDS. We will renew and update it every year if required.

FDS actions

The FDS identifies 23 actions to achieve its vision, goals and principles.

These actions inform and support:  

Timeline of FDS actions

The implementation plan prioritises each action to start over the next three years. It is important that each action begins ahead of the three-year review of the FDS.

In the first year of implementing the FDS:

  • six actions are ongoing 
  • 10 FDS actions under way or on track to start soon 
  • seven actions are planned to start in years two or three.

Research and analysis for each action will help create the next version of the FDS.  

FDS spatial priorities

The FDS highlights certain areas in Auckland - whether urban, future urban, rural, or business - that need special focus.

We call these 'spatial priority areas'. They help us:

  • coordinate efforts
  • target actions
  • make the best use of both public and private investments.

The FDS implementation plan shows when, and in what order, we will develop the urban and future urban priority areas.

The timing for urban priorities varies by type. For future urban areas, it depends on when the necessary infrastructure (like transport, water, wastewater and stormwater networks) is ready.

Get a copy of the FDS implementation plan

​Measuring progress

We report on implementation actions every year to track progress. Visit our Future Development Strategy progress page to read the latest monitoring report.

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