Advanced economies | Economies identified as having a high level of gross domestic product per capita, as well as a very significant degree of industrialisation. |
Advanced industries | Key growth industries expected to contribute to the Auckland economy, including knowledge intensive services (e.g. scientific research and analysis), high-tech manufacturing, and medium-high tech manufacturing. |
Affordable housing | Two complementary measures are used to define affordable housing: the 30 per cent gross income benchmark, measuring whether a household pays no more than 30 per cent of its gross income on housing costs; and the Median Multiple Measure, the ratio between median house price to annual household income. |
Ageing population | The growing proportion of the population is that aged 65 or over. |
Amenity | The qualities of a place that make it pleasant and attractive for individuals and communities. |
Aquaculture | Marine or land-based farming of aquatic plants and animals. |
Asset Management Plans | Plans which consolidate data and information about asset types (e.g. roading infrastructure). This could include the condition of current assets, and projected requirements for growth, maintenance and renewals. |
Big data | Large data sets analysed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions. |
Biodiversity | The variety of life in a particular habitat or ecosystem including the totality of genes and species. |
Body corporate | A legal entity that owns an entire development (e.g. apartment buildings, office buildings). Individuals have a number of shares in the body corporate, depending on the size of their unit (known as unit entitlement). The body corporate is responsible for management, financial and administrative functions relating to the common property and the development as a whole. |
Bulk infrastructure | Large scale transport, water (water supply, wastewater and stormwater) and social infrastructure which services large areas, such as multiple suburbs. |
Business activities | Commercial and/or industrial activities. |
Business clustering | A group of same, similar or supplementary businesses located closely together. |
Business land | Land with business zonings where commercial and/or industrial activities take place. |
Carbon footprint | The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organisation, or community. |
Centre(s) | A focal point for a surrounding neighbourhood or area that contains a mix of activities or functions (e.g. shops, businesses, cafés, libraries, government services, public transport). |
Character | A term used to describe the appearance, qualities and combination of attributes of an area, place, street or building that helps to give that place a distinct identity. |
Coastal inundation | Flooding of normally dry, low-lying coastal land. This is primarily caused by severe weather events along the coasts, estuaries, and adjoining rivers. |
Co-design | A framework where partners/stakeholders collaborate in a project. This approach can be applied to a range of areas, such as policy development, infrastructure or service design. |
Critical infrastructure | Infrastructure assets and networks that provide essential services to a large number of customers or nationally significant infrastructure sites (such as Auckland Airport). Failure of these infrastructure networks would cause significant economic or social disruption. |
Cultural infrastructure | Assets such as facilities and collections that support delivery of and access to a range of arts, cultural and heritage experiences, activities, services and resources. It includes technological infrastructure and virtual spaces that support connectivity and access to digital and online resources and collections. |
Demand management | The adoption of a variety of tools, such as pricing and the provision of information, to encourage more efficient use of transport and other forms of infrastructure. |
Demographic changes | Changes to the size, composition or structure of the population. |
Development areas | Urban areas where significant growth is expected in jobs and housing over the next 30 years. These areas were identified based on factors such as ability to accommodate growth and committed projects. Planning and investment will be targeted when growth at scale occurs. |
Development capacity | The quantity of development, such as housing or business, that can be undertaken on an area of land, taking into account relevant planning provisions and the availability of infrastructure. |
Digital infrastructure | The infrastructure required to promote the sharing and consumption of digital data. |
Digital literacy | The ability to confidently find, evaluate, use and create digital content in meaningful ways to participate in educational, cultural, social and economic activities. |
Distributed energy resources | The transfer of electricity between the transmission network and end users through the local network. |
Diversity | The range of human differences including, but not limited to, ethnicity and national origin; culture, religion and lived experience; socio-economic status; gender; gender identity and sexual orientation (i.e. rainbow communities); disability; age and rural, island or urban location. |
Elite soils | This land is the most highly versatile and productive land in Auckland. It is well drained, friable, and has well structured soils, flat or gently undulating land, and is capable of continuous cultivation. Land classified as Land Use Capability Class 1 (LUC1). |
Existing urban area | The area of Auckland with live urban zoning at 2017, including the rural towns (and excluding live zoned future urban areas). |
Feasible capacity |
The amount of development that is commercially viable, taking into account current costs, revenue and yields. |
Feasible development capacity |
The amount of development that is commercially viable, taking into account current costs, revenue and yields. |
Food miles | Food miles is a term which refers to the distance food is transported from the time of its production until it reaches the consumer. |
Fossil fuels | A natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms. |
Freshwater environment | Beds, banks, margins, flood plains and waters of rivers and natural lakes and wetlands, and groundwater systems together with their natural functioning and interconnections. |
Future urban areas | Areas identified for urban development in the Future Urban Land Supply Strategy 2017. |
Governance structures | The way in which local government organises itself to work for and on behalf of its communities including the structures and processes that enable decision-making. |
Green infrastructure | Natural and engineered ecological systems which integrate with the built environment to provide the widest possible range of ecological, community and infrastructure services. |
Green technology | Technology intended to mitigate or reverse the effects of human activity on the environment. |
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions | Gases emitted to the atmosphere which contribute to the greenhouse gas effect, in which more than the normal amount of atmospheric heat is retained in the atmosphere. These emissions include water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, ozone, halocarbons and other chlorine and bromine-containing substances |
Greenways | Connected pathways separated from roads that provide for safe walking, cycling and recreation. They provide access to places such as schools, libraries, shopping, and public transport nodes, and have environmental benefits. |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) | The monetary value of all goods and services produced within a nation's geographic borders over a specified period of time. |
Hapū | A number of whānau sharing descent from a common ancestor; kinship group, sub-tribe. |
Hau kāinga | Local people of a marae or area. |
Housing stress | The stress that a household experiences when it must pay more for housing than what is considered affordable. |
Hui | Verb, to assemble or meet. Noun, a gathering or meeting. |
Inclusive growth | An approach to growth and development where the benefits are shared broadly. |
Industrial activities | Manufacturing, construction, wholesale trade, transport and storage sectors of the economy. These activities typically require large sites. |
Infrastructure | The structures, systems and facilities that support daily life such as water supply, roads and communications, including social infrastructure. |
Innovation hub | Facilitates the interaction between business, industry, research agencies and the public sector to turn an idea into a process, product or service on the market. |
Intergenerational wealth | Cultural, social, and economic wealth transferred from one generation to the next. |
Intrinsic value | Values of the environment and cultural heritage in their own right, as distinct from the benefits people obtain from them. |
Iwi | A number of hapū (section of a tribe) related through a common ancestor. |
Iwi authorities | Mandated organisations representing the interests of iwi and/or hapū. |
Iwi management plans | Documents prepared by iwi that councils must consider when developing or amending Resource Management Act plans. |
Kaimoana | Sea food. |
Kaitiaki | Trustee, custodian, guardian. |
Kaitiakitanga | Guardianship, stewardship, trusteeship. |
Kaumātua | Elderly man, elderly woman. A person of status within the whānau, hapū, iwi. |
Kaupapa | Topic, subject or issue. |
Kaupapa Māori | Maori approach or customary practice which incorporates the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of Māori society. |
Kōhanga reo | Māori language preschool. |
Live zone | An operative urban zone (e.g. residential, business or open space) which specifies development activities and rules. |
Long-term Plan | A 10-year plan prepared under the Local Government Act 2002 containing programmes for council's priorities, activities, operating and capital expenditure. Incorporates a 30 year Infrastructure Strategy that provides a long-term view of investment needed in council infrastructure. |
Low carbon economy | An economy that is based on the need to reduce the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. |
Mahinga kai | Food-gathering place (rivers, bush, sea, gardens etc.). |
Mana | Authority, status, prestige. |
Mana whenua | Hapū and iwi with ancestral relationships to certain areas in Tāmaki Makaurau where they exercise customary authority |
Manaaki | Generosity; support, provide hospitality and care of others. |
Manaakitanga | The process of showing respect, hospitality, generosity and care for others. |
Manuhiri | Visitor, guest. |
Māori | Indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand. In this plan Māori incorporates mana whenua and mataawaka. |
Māori centric-models | Models of business, learning, health and other forms of practice that may be developed with Māori values, tikanga Māori and mātauranga Māori as foundational to the delivery of the model. |
Marae | Courtyard - the open area in front of the wharenui, where formal greetings and discussions take place. A term often used often to include the complex of buildings and spaces around the marae. |
Mataawaka | Māori who live in Auckland and are not in a mana whenua group. |
Matariki | Matariki is the Māori name for the star cluster Pleiades. |
Mātauranga | Māori knowledge and expertise. |
Maunga | Mountain, mount or peak. Also refers to volcanic cones. |
Mauri | Life principle, life force, vital essence. The essential quality and vitality of a being or entity. |
Mixed-use development | A mixture of activities such as residential, business, retail, or hospitality that occupy space within the same building or within the same block or area (e.g. an apartment building with shops, cafés and offices on the lower floors, or a town centre with these activities). |
Moana | Sea, ocean, large lake. |
Natural carbon assets | Natural features, e.g. wetlands and shrublands, that actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, a process called carbon sequestration. |
Natural heritage | Indigenous flora and fauna, terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems and habitats, landscapes, landforms, geological features, soils and the natural character of the coastline. |
Natural resource management | Management of natural and physical resources such as land, air and water. |
Nodes | Major growth areas critical to accommodating development across Auckland. These areas are based around a significant centre and service large catchments. They encompass surrounding employment and high density residential areas. |
Older person | Any person aged 65 and over. |
Papakāinga | Settlement or village on communal Māori land. |
Place-based initiatives | An approach that targets an entire community and aims to address issues that exist at the neighbourhood level. |
Placemaking | The collaborative and integrated process of planning, designing and building places, so that they are successful, enduring and attractive for people. |
Portage | Refers to the practice of carrying watercraft or cargo over land to avoid river obstacles, or between two bodies of water. A place where this carrying occurs is also called a portage. |
Pōwhiri | Invitation, formal Māori welcome ceremony. |
Prefabrication | Housing that has components made and/or assembled in one location before being transported to a final building site. |
Prime soils | Land with slight to moderate physical limitations for arable use. Factors contributing to this classification are readily available water, favourable climate, favourable topography, good drainage, and versatile soils easily adapted to a wide range of agricultural uses. Land identified as land use capability classes two and three (LUC2, LUC3). |
Productivity | A measure of how well an organisation uses its resources (inputs, such as labour and capital) to produce goods and services (outputs) and is typically expressed as a ratio of outputs to inputs. As such, productivity is a measure of efficiency. |
Public amenities | Desirable or useful features or facilities of a building or place, usually established for the convenience of users, e.g. landscaping, lighting, public toilets, drinking fountains, rubbish bins, seating and picnic tables, shelters, playgrounds and playground equipment and bicycle stands and cycle parking structures. |
Pūrākau | Traditional stories, history and narratives |
Quadruple bottom line | A way of assessing how well an organisation or business performs economically, environmentally, socially and culturally. |
Rainbow communities | Broad umbrella term that covers a diversity of sexual orientations, as well as gender and sex identities. |
Rangatahi | Youth, younger generation. |
Rangatira | Chief |
Rangatira ki te rangatira | Chief to chief. |
Rangatiratanga | There are two components: 1. chieftainship, right to exercise authority, chiefly autonomy, chiefly authority, ownership, leadership of a social group, domain of the
rangatira, noble birth, attributes of a chief. 2. kingdom, realm, sovereignty, principality, self-determination, self-management - connotations extending the original meaning of the word resulting from Bible and Treaty of Waitangi translations. |
Rapid Transit Network (RTN) | Fast, high-frequency public transport such as rail services and busways that are physically separate from the general road network and unaffected by road congestion. |
Real-time road user pricing | A dynamic pricing system that can vary the price of travel by time and location depending on the level of congestion. |
Receiving environments | The environment upon which a proposed activity might have effects. |
Run-off | Water flows resulting from rain water that is not absorbed by permeable surfaces or falls on impermeable surfaces. |
Rural production | Primary production activities which have a functional need for a rural location, such as pastoral and dairy farming, horticulture, forestry and mineral extraction. |
Rural productivity | The capacity of the region for rural production. |
Satellite town(s) | A rural town which has the potential to function semi-independently from the main urban area, providing a full range of services and employment opportunities to the wider rural area. Applies to the towns of Pukekohe and Warkworth. |
Sediment | Tiny fragments of organic or inorganic matter suspended in water. Sediment is a pollutant caused by erosion and earth works. |
Sense of place | A person's or community's appreciation of the special qualities of their neighbourhood, city or environment that are different from other places. |
Sensitive land uses | Land uses (such as housing and schools) that are sensitive to the effects of higher impact activities, e.g. in rural areas noise, odour or dust from farming, quarries or landfills. |
Shared spaces | Street spaces in which the traditional segregation between cars, pedestrians and cyclists is minimised, usually through the customisation of street markings and the removal of features such as raised kerbs and footpaths. |
Significant landscapes | Landscapes that are considered to be important for environmental, ecological or cultural reasons, for example the Āwhitu Peninsula, the Ōtuataua stone fields and the Franklin volcanic fields. |
Social and community innovation | Innovation that originates from individuals or groups in local communities. |
Social cohesion | The willingness of members of society to cooperate with each other in order to survive and prosper. |
Social exclusion | Exclusion from the social system and its rights and privileges. |
Social housing | Housing provided by government agencies or non-profit organisations to people on low or no incomes. |
Social infrastructure | The system of services, networks and facilities/assets that support people and communities. It comprises a broad spectrum of community assets and may be: · provided by the public sector, the private sector or non-governmental organisations · open space or supporting services and activities · physical facilities and the people involved in the delivery of services or the actual services themselves · operating at the local, sub-regional or regional level. |
Social mobility | Shifting from one social status to another, commonly to a status that is either higher or lower. It refers both to the ability of individuals to change status over time, and for individuals to have a different status to that of their family. |
Socio-economic disparity | In general terms, a person's social and economic position in relation to others, based on income, education and occupation. |
Spatial inequalities | Unequal distribution of resources and services based on location. |
Spatial planning | A form of planning for cities, regions or countries that seeks to provide long-term direction for development and the achievement of social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being. |
Stationary energy | Stationary energy includes fuel consumption for electricity generation, fuels consumed in the manufacturing, construction and commercial sectors, and other sources like domestic heating. |
Stormwater infrastructure | Infrastructure intended to manage stormwater, including pipes, drains, streams and channels. |
Strategic infrastructure networks | Large scale water or transport infrastructure that has a significant influence on the location, timing and scale of growth. |
Strengths-based models | Approaches that concentrate on the inherent strengths of individuals, families, groups and organisations to aid recovery and empowerment. |
Structural Ageing | There will be numerically and proportionately more people in older age groups over the next few decades |
Structural discrimination | When an entire network of rules and practices disadvantages less empowered groups while at the same time serving to advantage the dominant group. |
Structure plan | A plan establishing the spatial development pattern of land use, transport and services for a defined area, informed by consideration of opportunities and constraints. |
Sustainable procurement | Procurement that meets organisational objectives while having the least negative and most positive impact on social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being. |
Swale | A low tract of land, especially one that is moist or marshy. Artificial swales are often designed to manage water run-off, filter pollutants, and increase rainwater infiltration. |
Taiao | Natural resources |
Tāmaki Makaurau | The Māori name for Auckland. Translates to Tāmaki desired by many. |
Tamariki | Children. |
Tangata whenua | Indigenous people of the land. |
Tangihanga | Funeral. |
Taonga | A treasured item, tangible or intangible. |
Taonga tuku iho | A treasure passed down through the generations, either tangible (e.g. whenua) or intangible (e.g. Te Reo Māori). |
Taurahere | Māori residing outside of their ancestral lands. Used in this plan to describe marae associated with hapū or iwi whose tribal connections are from outside of Auckland. |
Te ao Maori | The Māori world view. |
Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi which is the document upon which the British and Māori agreed to found a nation state and build a government. |
Tertiary qualifications | Any post-secondary qualification including certificates, diplomas, and bachelor's degrees gained through tertiary study in a private training establishment, polytechnic, wānanga, university or in workplace training. |
Tikanga | Correct procedure, custom, lore, method, way, plan, practice, convention, protocol. The customary system of values and practices that have developed over time and are deeply embedded in the social context. |
Tino Rangatiratanga | Self-determination, autonomy, self-government. |
Transport corridors | Strategic and arterial road, bus and rail alignments, and adjoining land uses. |
Transport infrastructure | The fixed infrastructure on and through which people, vehicles and goods move around Auckland including roads, rail lines, cycleways, footpaths, bridges, train stations, busways, busway stations, ferry wharves, and bus shelters. |
Tūpuna | Ancestor(s), grandparent(s). |
Tūrangawaewae | Ancestral standing place. |
Unitary Plan | Auckland Council's regulatory land-use planning document, prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991. The plan replaces existing district and some regional plans from former city, district and regional councils. Contains guidance and rules about how land can be developed and resources used. |
Upcycle | Reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original. |
Urban forests | Auckland's urban ngahere (forest) is defined as the network of all trees, other vegetation and green roofs – both native and naturalised – in existing and future urban areas. |
Vulnerable communities | Communities with a limited capacity to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impact of a major negative event. |
Waahi tapu | Sacred place, sacred site - a place subject to long-term ritual restrictions on access or use, e.g. a burial ground, a battle site or a place where tapu objects were placed. |
Wai | Water |
Water-sensitive design | Design of developments that focuses on lowering impacts on water and water-based environments. |
Watershed | Area of land in which rainfall drains toward a common stream, river, lake, or estuary. |
Whakapapa | Genealogy, lineage, descent. |
Whānau | Extended family, family group, a familiar term of address to a number of people. Also the primary economic unit of traditional Māori society. |
Whanaungatanga | Relationship, kinship, sense of family connection. A relationship through shared experiences and working together which provides people with a sense of belonging. |
Whenua | Land, country, earth, ground. |
Wrap-around support services | A holistic integrated set of social services to support people most in need. |
Zero Waste | A concept that encourages the imitation of sustainable natural cycles where all discarded materials are designed to become resources for other uses. |