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He kōrero mō ngā rohenga

About wards

Our wards

Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland is divided into 13 wards. From these 13 wards voters elect 20 ward councillors to represent these areas.

We set ward boundaries by considering:

  • local communities
  • the population of areas.

How we update our wards

Every six years we review the ward boundaries and populations to ensure fair and effective representation across the region.

The review allows us to adjust boundaries and have a fair distribution of councillors across the wards. Each councillor will represent roughly the same number of Aucklanders.

The role of ward councillors

Ward councillors and the mayor form the Governing Body, which makes regional decisions for Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland. It governs alongside our local boards, which make local area decisions.

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