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Ngā mahere, whakaaetanga me ngā rīpoata mō Devonport-Takapuna

Devonport-Takapuna plans, agreements and reports

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Plan 2023

Our local board plan is a three-year strategic plan that guides local board activity, funding and investment decisions. It also influences local board input into regional strategies and plans, including the Auckland Plan (the 30-year vision for Auckland), our 10-year Budget (long-term plan) and the annual budgets.

Get a copy of the current plan

​Get a copy of the translation in te reo Māori

​Get a copy of the previous plan

​You can request accessible Word documents of local board plans through our contact centre or by visiting one of our libraries with council services.

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Agreement (budget)

The local board agreement sets out the local board's budget and funding for activities and performance measures for the financial year.

Local board agreements are part of the council's budget process. Visit One-year and 10-year budgets to find out more about our budgets.

Get a copy of the local board agreement

Read our budget plans in full.​

Devonport-Takapuna Area Plan

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board has adopted the Devonport-Takapuna Area Plan, which sets out a framework of growth and development in the local board area for the next 30 years.

The plan's key moves include providing for better public transport and protecting the heritage features of Devonport-Takapuna.

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan

In November 2024, the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board adopted the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan. This plan was developed with Auckland Emergency Management with input from the wider community.

The plan provides people in the Devonport-Takapuna area with advice and information about:

  • local hazards
  • preparing for emergencies
  • responding during emergencies.

Read the plan, a summary of the plan and our hazard factsheet to learn:

  • how to prepare for an emergency
  • what you and your family should do in an emergency
  • who to contact to report a problem
  • how to respond to different hazards in your area.

Devonport-Takapuna Ethnic Communities Plan 2024-2029

This plan sets out actions on how to better engage with, support and represent our many diverse communities.

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board produced this plan in partnership with the Asian Network.

Get a copy of the plan

Devonport-Takapuna Greenways Plan

The Devonport-Takapuna Greenways Plan seeks to improve the long-term walking, cycling and ecological corridors of the local board area.

The Greenways Plan has 11 projects which the local board will prioritise to implement.

These greenways connections will provide recreational, environmental, health, economic, social, and educational opportunities and benefits for the residents of the local board area.

Get a copy of the Greenways Plan

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board - Joint CCO Engagement Plan 2021-2022

This plan outlines how Devonport-Takapuna Local Board and council-controlled organisations (CCOs) will work together on community priorities.

The CCOs include:

  • Auckland Transport
  • Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
  • Eke Panuku Development
  • Watercare

This plan also creates a framework for reporting progress.

Get a copy of the plan

​Devonport-Takapuna Local Economic Development Action Plan

The Devonport-Takapuna Local Economic Development Action Plan creates a framework to guide local economic development actions for the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board area.

Get a copy of the action plan

​Takapuna Beach Reserve South Concept Plan

Following engagement with the community, the Takapuna Beach Reserve South Concept Plan was adopted by Devonport-Takapuna Local Board in August 2014.

Get a copy of the concept plan

The Milford Centre Plan

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board has developed the Milford Centre Plan, a guide for the enhancement of Milford over the next 30 years.

The Milford Centre Plan helps to fulfil the vision of making the town centre friendly and accessible with a strong local identity and unique heritage.

The outcomes which will enable us to achieve this vision include developing Kitchener Road with a vibrant plaza, building a strong connection between quality destinations, and promoting a healthy and attractive Wairau estuary.

Get a copy of the centre plan

The Takapuna Centre Plan

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board has developed the Takapuna Centre Plan to serve as a guide for the growth of this key centre for the next 30 years.

The Takapuna Centre Plan seeks to make the most of Takapuna's location and focuses on projects that will transform it into a people-friendly and well-connected centre.

Three key projects will target the Anzac Quarter, the beachfront and the streets.

Get a copy of the centre plan

​Sunnynook Plan

The Sunnynook Plan has been developed by the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board and the Kaipātiki Local Board.

This plan covers Sunnynook, Tōtara Vale and Forrest Hill development over the next 30 years.

The vision is to create an attractive, connected, walkable, social and liveable neighbourhood for diverse cultures and ages.

 The outcomes and actions in the plan will help us achieve this vision.

Get a copy of the Sunnynook Plan

Belmont Centre Improvement Plan

We sponsored the Belmont Centre Design Initiative, a project to improve Belmont's local centre.

We worked alongside Auckland Transport's Lake Road improvements project in 2019 and 2020.

A community group of local Belmont representatives assisted in the projects' development.

Design principles for the future of Belmont guided the community concept and helped us prepare two final options to improve Lake Road and the centre's public space.

Get a copy of the improvement plan

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