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Ngā wāhi ā-ahurea mō ngā mana whenua, me ngā wāhi tuku ihotanga

Mana whenua cultural and historic heritage places

How are sites and places of significance to mana whenua identified?

To identify and evaluate mana whenua cultural and historic heritage sites, places and areas, we consider:


Ko te mauri me te mana o te wāhi, te taonga rānei, e ngākaunuitia ana e te mana whenua.

The mauri (life force and life-supporting capacity) and mana (integrity) of the place or resource holds special significance to mana whenua.

Wāhi tapu

Ko tērā wāhi, taonga rānei he wāhi tapu, arā, he tino whakahirahira ki ngā tikanga, ki ngā puri mahara, o ngā wairua a te mana whenua.

The place or resource is a wāhi tapu of special, cultural, historic, metaphysical and spiritual importance to mana whenua.

Kōrero Tūturu

Ko tērā wāhi e ngākaunuitia ana e te mana whenua ki roto i ōna kōrero tūturu.

The place has special historical and cultural significance to mana whenua.

Rawa Tūturu

He wāhi tērā e kawea ai ngā rawa tūturu a te mana whenua.

The place provides important customary resources for mana whenua.

Hiahiatanga Tūturu

He wāhi tērā e eke ai ngā hiahia hinengaro tūturu a te mana whenua.

The place or resource is a repository for mana whenua cultural and spiritual values.

Whakaaronui o te Wa

He wāhi rongonui tērā ki ngā Mana Whenua, arā, he whakaahuru, he whakawaihanga, me te tuku mātauranga.

The place has special features, architectural or educational significance to mana whenua.