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He kupu ārahi i mua i te tono whakaae whakatū whare

Building consent pre-application guidance

We offer individually tailored pre-application guidance for projects that need a building consent.

What pre-application guidance includes

Depending on the nature of your project, you may need more than one consent approval. We can advise you on the approvals you will need for your project and the best order to approach them.

We provide you with information and guidance to ensure you have a good understanding of what needs to be done, before you submit your application. This could save you time and money later.

We can help you:

  • confirm if you need a consent, permit or licence
  • understand the consent application process
  • understand consent fees and related charges, such as financial and development contributions fees
  • get guidance on the expertise you may need to help with your project
  • identify areas to focus on when gathering information to support your application
  • get a good understanding of what's needed for a good quality building consent application
  • lodge an application that will be processed efficiently and without delay.

Because of the technical nature of consents, we expect you to get professional input into your application from an architect, builder, engineer, draughtsperson, planner or building surveyor.

Meeting confidentiality

We regard the content of all pre-application meetings as confidential. However, if we receive an Official Information Request (OIA), this information could be released.

This is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

What you need to request pre-application guidance

You will need to provide any:

  • conceptual plans
  • drawings
  • photos
  • draft assessments of environmental effects
  • other relevant information you have.

To ensure you get the maximum benefit from your pre-application guidance, and so we can prepare appropriately, it is important that you:

  • let us know, in advance, about the topics or issues you would like to discuss
  • provide us with as much detailed information as possible, even if your ideas are only conceptual.

Depending on information you give us, we may ask for input from other specialists, relevant to the project (urban designers or traffic engineers).

Building consent pre-application deposit

You need to pay the deposit when you request the meeting.

Read fee table.
Service Deposit
Building consent pre-application meeting$331
Building consent – Fire engineering brief meeting - Base fee (non-refundable, additional charges may apply)$363

​* Fees are indicative only and are subject to change.​


How to request pre-application guidance online

Request guidance

We only accept online applications for pre-application guidance.

If there is no way to provide digital copies of your plans or documents, visit one of our libraries with council services. Our staff can scan in your documents for an additional charge.

What happens next

A building processor will contact you within five working days to discuss your request.

It's important that we have a clear understanding of your project, so we can involve the right specialists.

We will co-ordinate the input from the various specialists and send you the required guidance in writing.

If you feel there are issues that require further discussion in person, we can arrange to meet with you.

Follow up on your request

If it has been more than five working days since you applied, contact us on 09 301 0101.

Further information

If you're not sure whether you need pre-application guidance:

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