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Whakamaua he ripoata a tira kē (āhuru me te parukore) ki runga i to kōnae a rawa

Place a third party (safe and sanitary) report on your property file

What is a third party (safe and sanitary) report?

A third party (safe and sanitary) report is an independent report from a third party. The report verifies the condition of a building or building work carried out before 1 July 1992. The work may have been done with or without a building permit - at that time, there was no building consent process as we know it today.

For information about how we deal with unauthorised building work read:

When you need a third party (safe and sanitary) report

You may want to place a third party report on your property file if:

  • you want to verify the condition of a building or building work carried out before 1 July 1992, when selling or buying it
  • your bank wants assurance that the building is safe and suitable for its use.

You can submit the report to us, as a matter of public record, so that we can add it to your property file.

You may also need to submit a third party report with your building consent application, when moving or relocating a second-hand building.

Who can prepare a third party (safe and sanitary) report

A person suitably qualified to prepare a third party report may be:

  • a registered building surveyor
  • a registered architect or engineer
  • a Licensed Building Practitioner or
  • any other professional that we have approved.

​Fee for placing a third party (safe and sanitary) report on your property file

Read fee table.
DescriptionFixed fee
Receiving third party reports or any other information to place on a property file - Fixed fee (non-refundable, no additional charges)$295

How to place a third party report on your property file


Apply now

We only accept online applications for this service. If you are unable to apply digitally, visit one of our libraries with council services for assistance in making your online application.

Call us on 09 301 0101 to speak with our building and planning help desk if you have questions regarding your application.

What happens next

We put the report on the property information file, with advice stating that we do not accept liability for the contents of the report, or any representations made in the report.


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