What is subdivision of a building?
Commonly a subdivision of a building includes:
- a newly built multi-unit residential building, on a single title, that will become individual ownership units, towards the end of its development
- an existing building on a single title that is subdivided into individual ownership units.
This could mean you need to upgrade parts of your building to achieve compliance.
You need to tell us if you intend to subdivide your building
You will need to notify us in writing of your intention to subdivide your building, e.g. if you are splitting your large family house into two units.
We will review your notice to subdivide your building to make sure your building complies with section 116A of the Building Act and the Building Code.
You can get free advice from us in person or see Make a change to a building consent to find out how to apply for minor variations or amendments to a consent.
Contact us for free advice or to book a pre-approval meeting.