If this is your first time making an application for Resource Consent, the Ministry for the Environment website also has a number of useful guides (including an AEE guide) to the resource consent process .
Suggesting conditions of consent in your AEE
Resource consents are usually granted with conditions, which help manage the effects of your activity; for example, sediment and erosion control conditions may be placed on a consent to manage the effects of earthworks.
If you think there are ways to reduce the effects of your project and you would like to propose these measures as conditions of a consent, include these as part of your AEE when discussing the effects of your project.
We can give feedback on any conditions you think might be appropriate for your consent as part of pre-application guidance.
National Environmental Standards (NES)
NES are nationwide regulations made under the Resource Management Act 1991, separate from the resource consent and AEE process.
They set out planning requirements and technical standards on a variety of specified activities that have an effect the environment, including forestry, freshwater use, electricity transmission and more.
If your proposed activity is regulated by an NES, a permitted activity notice may be required before you start. There may also be requirements for ongoing monitoring and reporting to us.
For more information, see National Environmental Standards - permitted activities.