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​DOs and DON'Ts of flooding video transcript

[Video: Music plays. Animation of Auckland scenery.]

Voice: Like many cities, parts of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland are prone to flooding during storms.

[Video: Animation of rain.]

Voice: Water levels can rise rapidly and unexpectedly during a storm event.

[Video: Animation showing water level rise and road flooded with cars floating in flood water.]

Voice: You and your family could be affected, even if you haven't seen flood waters near your home before. It's important to be prepared.

[Video: Title: Do’s and don’ts of flooding.]

Voice: So, to help you prepare, let's talk about the do's and don'ts of flooding

[Video: Title: Before a flood.]

Voice: To prepare for a storm event, there are some things you can do.

[Video: Text appears: Know your risk]

Voice: Know your risk.

[Video: Computer screen appears with website ‘’ typed in. Computer mouse zooms into map of Auckland.]

Voice: Check on council's website if your home or places you regularly go are at risk from flooding.

[Video: Text appears: Make an emergency plan. Animation of a family inside their home looking at an emergency plan drawn on a whiteboard.]

Voice: Make an emergency plan and share with your household.

[Video: Animation of a dog appears with the family].

Voice: Don't forget to plan for your pets.

[Video: Text appears: Keep an eye on the weather forecast. Two people sitting on a couch watching the weather forecast on the television.]

Voice: Keep an eye on the weather forecast.

[Video: Animation of weather forecast on phone and radio.]

Voice: and be aware of any weather warnings for your area.

[Video: Text appears: Check your drains and gutters. Animation of house with microscope scanning to see leaves in gutter and drain clogged with leaves cleared.]

Voice: Regularly check your drains and gutters are clear. This helps avoid blockages, allowing the water to drain away more easily.

[Video: Text appears: Be prepared to evacuate. Emergency exit signage.]

Voice: Before the emergency, decide where you will go if you need to evacuate.

[Video: Animation of two people questioning each other about the best evacuation location. Animation of a house and a motel.]

Voice: This can be a relative or friend's home, or a motel you're familiar with.

[Video: Multiple arrows pointing in different directions.]

Voice: Plan several evacuation routes.

[Video: Emergency kit with supplies, including medicine, toilet paper, torch with batteries, bottled water, canned food, face mask, tape, matches and band aids.]

Voice: Have a grab bag ready with essential supplies, including food and water.

[Video: Title: During a flood emergency. Text appears: Call 111.]

Voice: During a flood emergency, if there is a risk to life or property.

[Video: Animation of person calling 111 on a phone.]

Voice: Call 111.

[Video: Policeman, fireman and paramedic at road closure.]

Voice: Follow the advice of emergency services.

[Video: Text appears: Do not enter or drive through flood water. Animation of cars driving through flood water on road and becoming submerged.]

Voice: Do not enter or drive through floodwater as this is dangerous. The water may be deeper than anticipated

[Video: Biohazard symbol and animation of building wreckage underneath water.]

Voice: be contaminated or have unknown hazards underneath.

[Video: Children playing on seesaw in flooded playground.]

Voice: Don't allow children to play near flood water.

[Video: Title: After a flood. Text appears: Debris and other hazards may be present. Animation of damaged house with fallen tree and powerline with sparking electricity.]

Voice: Take extra care after a flood, as debris and other hazards may be present.

[Video: Text appears: Call Auckland Council on 09 301 0101. Animation of person calling 09 301 0101 on phone.]

Voice: Call Auckland Council to report any flooding

[Video: Text appears: Contact your insurance company. Insurance symbol, house encased with hands.]

Voice: and contact your insurance company as soon as possible if damage has occurred.

[Video: Text appears: Take photos of any damage. Animation of person taking photo of damaged house, fallen tree and sparking powerline.]

Voice: Take photos of any damage

[Video: Text appears: Don’t dispose of damaged goods. Animation of damaged items, television, fridge, oven and overflowing rubbish bin.]

Voice: and don't dispose of damaged goods

[Video: Text appears: OK! Insurance symbol, house encased by hands.]

Voice: until you've been told it's OK by your insurance company.

[Video: Text appears: Damaged goods may be contaminated. Biohazard symbol over damaged items.]

Voice: Be careful when you dispose of damaged goods as they may be contaminated.

[Video: Text appears: Before a flood. Animation of checklist. Text: Do: know your risk, make an emergency plan, check the weather forecast, keep drains and gutters clear, be prepared to evacuate.]

Voice: Be prepared and know what to do before, during and after a flood. For more information, visit Auckland Council and Auckland Emergency Management's websites.

[Video: Text appears: During a flood. Animation of checklist. Text: Do: If risk to life or property, call 111, follow advice of emergency services. Don’t: Enter or drive through flood water, allow children to play near flooding. Text appears: After a flood. Animation of checklist. Text: Do: Take care – debris and other hazards may be present, contact your insurance company if damage has occurred. Don’t: Dispose of damaged goods before the insurance company says it’s ok. Auckland Council Pohutukawa and Auckland Emergency Management logos appear.]

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