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Proposal to grant new community lease to the Powersports Association Incorporated located at 126 Patiki Road, Rosebank Park Domain/Rangimatariki

Public notice date: 05 September 2024

Closing date and time: 06 October 2024, 5 p.m.

Closing date for submissions: 5pm on Sunday, 6 October 2024.​

Auckland Council gives notice under the Reserves Act 1977 that it intends to grant a new community ground lease for approximately 43,000sqm to the Powersports Association Incorporated who own and operate the racetrack known as Rosebank Speedway located at 126 Patiki Rd, Rosebank Park Domain/ Rangimatariki, Avondale.

The proposed lease is on part of the land legally described as Section 83 SO 510769, held by the Crown through the Department of Conservation and vested in Auckland Council in trust. The land is classified as a recreation reserve and subject to the provisions of the Reserves Act 1977, specifically 54(1)(b).

The group owns and manages the track and the improvements on the land. The site is used as a speedway.

The proposed new community lease is for a term of 5 years with one right of renewal for 5 years, consistent with Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines (updated June 2023).

Any person wishing to comment, make a submission or an objection to this proposal is to send this in writing to Amirah Rab, Community Lease Specialist for the Whau Local Board. Please indicate if you wish to be heard concerning your submission.

Information provided to the Council is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and may be released by the Council under that Act.

To make a submission, or request further information please contact Amirah Rab, Community Lease Specialist:

By email:

By post:

Amirah Rab, Community Lease Specialist

       Private Bag 92300

       Victoria Street West

       Auckland 1142