On this page you will find all the static and interactive maps contained within the Auckland Plan.
The Auckland Plan - Belonging and participation outcome: Voter turnout (Local Body elections)
The Auckland Plan - Belonging and participation outcome: Deprivation
The Auckland Plan - Belonging and participation: Population growth
You can zoom into areas of the map and click on the icons for more information.
Open interactive map
The Auckland Plan - Transport and access outcome: Access to jobs (Public transport)
The Auckland Plan - Transport and access outcome: Access to jobs (Car)
The Auckland Plan - Transport and access outcome: Inter-regional connections
The Auckland Plan - Environment and cultural heritage outcome: Open space
The Auckland Plan - Environment and cultural heritage outcome: Risks and opportunities
The Auckland Plan - Environment and cultural heritage outcome: Historic heritage
The Auckland Plan - Opportunity and prosperity outcome: Jobs in advanced industries
The Auckland Plan - Opportunity and prosperity outcome: Proximity to education
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