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Te Rangatahi Tōnui - tā mātou mahere tautoko i ngā tamariki me ngā taiohi e tōnui ana

Thriving Rangatahi – supporting thriving children and young people


​About Thriving Rangatahi

Thriving Rangatahi was adopted in 2024 and replaces our previous child and youth strategy, I Am Auckland.

This strategy shows our commitment to supporting improved outcomes for children and young people in Tāmaki Makaurau. It focuses on five key areas to guide our actions based on what matters most to children and young people. It also includes three ways of working that will help us achieve better results for them.

Thriving Rangatahi is part of our wider community wellbeing strategy, Ngā Hapori Momoho / Thriving Communities.

Connecting Thriving Rangatahi with the overall community wellbeing strategy shows that healthy, happy children and young people are at the heart of strong, thriving communities.

Get a copy of the Thriving Rangatahi plans

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