Action area N2: Grow and protect our rural and urban ngahere (forest) to maximise carbon capture and build resilience to climate change
We need to follow the principles of knowing the benefits of trees in the Auckland region, growing the right tree in the right place and protecting existing trees.
Te Pumanawa Square, Westgate
These principles have been developed and endorsed through our
Urban Ngahere Strategy:
- Undertake and support research to improve understanding of the multiple benefits of trees in the Auckland region, incorporating
mātauranga Māori and indicators of
- Increase indigenous tree plantings in road corridors, parks and open spaces.
- Provide support, guidance and advice for landowners to undertake
ecological restoration and tree planting on private land and establish mechanisms to track these.
- Use research and technology, in partnership with
iwi and communities, to identify priority areas for future planting that achieves multiple outcomes.
- Build the capacity and capability of existing
marae and community nurseries and conservation / planting groups through assistance, advice, and training programmes.
- Protect important trees through improved planning regulations and ensure publicly managed trees are not removed without clear justification.