Ngā takohanga ā-whaitua

Regional commitments

​The Auckland Plan 2050

The Auckland Plan 2050 is our long-term spatial plan to ensure Auckland grows in a way that will meet the opportunities and challenges of the future. It is required by legislation to contribute to Auckland’s social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing.

The plan outlines the big issues facing Auckland and recommends the way in which Aucklanders and others involved in the future of Auckland can best respond to them.

The Development Strategy and six outcomes set Auckland's strategy to 2050. They consider how we will address the key challenges of high population growth and environmental degradation, and how we can ensure shared prosperity for all Aucklanders.

Within the Auckland Plan 2050, climate change is one of the three key challenges facing Auckland. Further detail is provided on the Climate change page in the Environment and Cultural Heritage Outcome.

It is clear, however, that action on the priorities detailed within Auckland’s Climate Plan will deliver opportunities and benefits across each of the Auckland Plan 2050 outcomes, not just Environment and Cultural Heritage.

Action within the Transport priority for example supports the directions and focus areas outlined in the Transport and Access outcome of the Auckland Plan 2050, while the Built environment priority has strong links to both the Homes and Places outcome and the broader Development Strategy.

The Māori Plan

The Māori Plan for Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland was developed by Houkura (formerly known as the Independent Māori Statutory Board) as a record of what Māori in the region said was important to them. The Māori Plan provides a framework for understanding Māori development aspirations and sets measures for monitoring progress towards desired cultural, economic, environmental and social outcomes for Māori.

The Māori Plan sets out five key directions that reflect the overarching goals or aspirations that mana whenua and Mataawaka want for their iwi:

  • developing vibrant communities
  • enhancing leadership and participation
  • improving quality of life
  • promoting a distinctive Māori identity
  • ensuring sustainable futures.

There are also 49 focus areas within the plan that detail specific issues, for example papakāinga or marae development, which mana whenua and mataawaka highlighted as being important to them.

These focus areas contribute to the overall achievement of a set of high-level Māori outcomes that Māori are seeking.