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PC 103 (Private): Silverdale West Industrial Area

Closed for submissions

About the plan change

​The private plan change aims to rezone approximately 107ha of land at Silverdale West from Future Urban Zone to Business - Light Industry Zone and to introduce a new precinct. The site is located south of the Silverdale motorway interchange between State Highway 1 to the east and Dairy Flat Highway to the west and extends to the south to approximately halfway to Wilks Road. 

It also includes a proposed new precinct to align future subdivision and development with the provision of the necessary transport, wastewater and other infrastructure, as well as achieving specified landscape, stormwater management and ecological outcomes. The proposed new precinct includes staging provisions and triggers to align development with the provision of infrastructure.

The private plan change also identifies four trees within Chapter D Overlays – D13 Notable Tree Overlay Schedule 10: Notable Trees and on the Planning Maps, adds the area to the Stormwater Management Control Area – Flow 1 on the Planning Maps, adds an area of native vegetation to the SEA Overlay and amends the Macroinvertebrate Community Index Overlay on the Planning Maps. 


​Notification: 12 July 2024

Submissions closed: midnight on 9 August 2024

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Plan change documents

Notification documents

Clause 23 and Clause 24 - Request for Further Information

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