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Pūtere putanga waiua ki te Papa Tāpui i Ngātaringa

Stanley Bay Reserve stormwater outlet project

How we are improving the performance of the water network, reducing seawater flooding and smells, and enhancing the reserve at Stanley Bay.

​What the proposed improvements will do

These improvements will:

  • reduce the risk of flooding to residential and recreational Stanley Bay properties
  • improve water quality at Ngataringa Bay
  • reduce foul smells in the area
  • improve the environment for people, birds and marine life
  • minimise wastewater overflows into Auckland Harbour
  • enhance and upgrade Stanley Bay Reserve.

How we will do this

We will:

  • replace the existing bund and culvert pipe at the coastal boundary
  • build a plant bench and a footbridge
  • create salt water zones
  • reshape the watercourse banks
  • add infill planting and mulching
  • clear debris and sediment.

View a map of affected areas

Project timeframe

We are currently finalising the design.

How the project will affect you

Parts of Stanley Bay Reserve will be fenced off to the public during construction.

Vehicle and pedestrian access will be restricted on Ngataringa Bay Road.

More information

Email if you have any questions about the project.

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