Hōtaka ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi
Business Improvement District (BID) Programme
Through our BID Programme, we collaborate with Auckland's business sector to improve our local business environment and boost the regional economy.

What is a BID programme?
A BID programme is a local economic development initiative run by a business association and defined by the BID Policy (PDF 5.1MB).
A BID is a specified commercial area - town centre, industrial area, or a combination - designated for a targeted rate, with boundaries agreed by the local board and business association.
How BIDs work
We make the targeted rates funds available for the business association to use on activities that promote economic growth in their area. We set accountability requirements through our BID Policy (PDF 5.1MB).
Auckland has 50 BIDs representing more than 25,000 businesses, with a combined capital value estimated at $72.7 billion.
Business associations work with the local boards to operate BID programmes in their communities.
Tātaki Auckland Unlimited is the local and regional economic development resource to whom local boards and BIDs turn for advice.
BID website
For more information on the BID programme, visit the
official BID website
BID rating maps
BID rating maps outline the areas liable for a special targeted rate.
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