Te hikoi hītori i Greenwoods Corner Epsom
Greenwoods Corner Epsom historical walk
What you will see on the Greenwoods Corner historical walk
See the starting point of this on Google Maps.
The Greenwoods Corner Epsom Historical Walk focuses on the built history of the area.
This walk begins from the Epsom Methodist Church in Greenwoods Corner village.
It is centred on Manukau Road and ends at the Epsom Tram Depot Office.
You can start this walk at any point and can travel in any direction.
You can use the
Greenwoods Corner app as a walking guide for this walk. This free mobile app helps you to explore parts of Epsom and fourteen key historical sites around Greenwoods Corner.
Each site has location-specific period photographs and media to enhance your walking experience.
About the walk
This walk is a joint initiative delivered by Greenwoods Corner Epsom Business Association and the Epsom and Eden District Historical Society.
It is funded by Albert-Eden Local Board.
This walk takes approximately one hour.
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