Āta whakaritea tō tono whakaaetanga hanga whare
Find out how to prepare a good quality building consent application, to save time and money.
Check what the document format and naming standards are for making an online building consent application.
These building consent lodgement checklists tell you what information you need to provide when you lodge your building consent application.
Read about requests for further information to support a consent application and how long you have to respond.
Find out what steps are involved in processing your building consent application.
You need to make sure that anyone carrying out or supervising your restricted building work has the relevant licence.
A collection of documents written to provide guidance and instruction on a range of specialty subjects.
A Master and Dependent consent lets you lodge one application for multiple houses or units of a similar design. Learn the necessary criteria and how to apply.
Learn how to estimate the value of your building work for your building consent application.
Learn how to write a complete and accurate description of work for your building consent application.
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