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Me tono mō tētahi whakaaetanga whakarereke i ngā hanganga iti

Apply for a consent for minor structural alterations

When you need a consent for minor structural alterations

You may need a building consent if you want to make minor structural alterations to your dwelling, such as:

  • remove load bearing wall between kitchen and dining room
  • replace a load-bearing wall with beam and posts
  • modify internal walls which affect bracing elements
  • make minor changes to bracing elements.

You may need a building consent even if an authorised person completes the work.

Before you apply for a consent for minor structural alterations

If your application is supported by a Producer statement - Design (PS1), the designer will need to be an approved author on the producer statement register for us to rely on it.

For more information, see Declare that your building work complies with the Building Code through producer statements (PS) page.

You should know

This application does not include:

  • apartments or housing units with horizontal fire separation
  • foundation changes, specific geotechnical investigations or new foundation designs
  • structural alterations that are on, or within 1m of, a boundary.

You may need a consent for such alterations, see Apply for a project information memorandum or building consent.

​How to apply for a consent for minor structural alterations

We accept only online applications. If you need help with your online application, visit one of our libraries with council services.

Call us on 09 301 0101 to speak with our building and planning help desk if you have questions regarding your application.


​Upload the completed Lodgement checklist: Residential.

You will need to log in to complete the online application and pay by Visa, MasterCard, Online EFTPOS or Account2Account (bank transfer).

What happens next

We will process your application within 20 working days.

We will let you know the decision by email and through our online portal.

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