Giving your approval to a resource consent
When considering a resource consent application, we consider the effects of a proposal on the surrounding environment and people.
If you are likely to be affected by a proposed activity you may be approached by the consent applicant, or someone acting on their behalf, to ask for your written approval of their proposed activity.
You need to understand why they are asking for your approval, and what effects the proposed activity will have on you and your property.
If you do give your written approval:
- the adverse effects on you will not be considered when we decide whether to notify the application, or to grant or decline the application
- you can’t appeal the decision after the resource consent has been approved or issued.
If you’re unsure if you should provide written approval, you should get independent advice from a professional, e.g. a planner or lawyer.
Read the useful guide on the
Ministry for the Environment website, which outlines everything you need to know about your rights as an affected person.